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Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Dr. Palm - Bonn

Arbeitsrecht - Beamtenrecht - Erbrecht - Familienrecht - Mobbing - Namensrecht

drpalm@web.de (E-Mail) - 0228/63 57 47 (Festnetz) - 49 163 6288904 (Mobil)

Nach oben



 Rechtsanwalt Bonn Dr. Palm


This site represents the german law office

Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Dr. Palm

located in Bonn-City/Germany near Cologne


Family Law



Marital property rights

Since 1989 we represent the interests of numerous clients in the various areas of the marriage and family law. Family law is an area of law that deals with many aspects of family relations  - child custody and visitation, child support, marital property rights, support obligations, marriage and pre-marital agreements, separation agreements, divorce, spousal support (alimony), marital property division. Perhaps more than any other legal matter this sort of problems mark existential issues. 

Send us an e-mail or call us  (0228/63 57 47), and tell us how we can assist you.



Beethoven Monument Denkmal Festspielhaus Postvorsteher

          Monument to the local hero

             Bonn 1845


Employment law >>

Lawyer Germany Bonn Barrister

This site is yet mainly not translated into the english language but we are working on it. Apart from this our staff members will communicate with you in your language.




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Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Dr. Palm - Rathausgasse 9 - 53111 Bonn (Stadtmitte)

Telefon: 0228/63 57 47 oder 69 45 44 - Telefax: 0228/65 85 28 - drpalm@web.de

Copyright Dr. Palm - 2000 - Stand: 17.02.2019