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Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Dr. Palm - Bonn

Arbeitsrecht - Beamtenrecht - Erbrecht - Familienrecht - Mobbing - Namensrecht

drpalm@web.de (E-Mail) - 0228/63 57 47 (Festnetz) - 49 163 6288904 (Mobil)

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 Rechtsanwalt Bonn Dr. Palm


This site represents the german law office


Dr. Palm

located in Bonn-City/Germany

Survey of our services

Employment law

We handle both employee and employer matters, including wage and compensation disputes, discrimination complaints, drafting employee manuals, employment contracts, noncompete and confidentiality agreements, trade secrets, and independent contractor agreements. What is employment law? Continue here >>

Immigration services

Our office provides Immigration services to companies and individuals nationwide. We also provide legal counsel and representation in family sponsored immigration matters. We have extensive experience assisting clients to get marriage visas, work visas and permanent residence (green card).

We maintain regular contact with our clients regarding their specific cases and respond to any inquiries as expeditiously as possible. Our goal is to help clients clearly understand their situation, the steps which must be taken, and to assist them through the process to achieve a successful outcome.

Yet the geographic distance between clients and our office has never kept clients away but rather brings them over thanks to modern means of communication and, more importantly, the confidence and trust of the clients in our work.  Consequently a lot of clients have never set foot in the office. They never need to.

"Bonn Rathaus" close to our office

Family Law

In these cases, parties are seeking to end their marriage, divide their property and determine what rights and obligations they have to their former spouse after the court has orders the marriage to be dissolved. It is critical to the clients´interests in such cases, to understand the responsibilities that the law and the courts will impose on the parties and for your lawyer to fight for your rights.

Divorce can be long and painful or quick and peaceful. A lot of divorces are resolved, by agreement, without permanent trouble at a court. We depict separation and divorce agreements that spells out the terms of the parties agreement relating to the handling of property, alimony, child support, visitation or other matters that relate to the legal separation of the parties.

Also only a small percentage of child custody disputes are decided in a courtroom. When child custody cases actually reach the court, a judge will consider a variety of factors, depending upon the evidence that the parties present.

We can help you to simplify these sort of stressful procedures.

Assistance in preparing wills

A will is a legal document which allows you to distribute your property according to your wishes following your death.  By taking the time to prepare a will, you are taking the basic steps to make sure that your property is being distributed according to your wishes.



Rechtsanwalt Dr. Palm Lawyer Law Office Abmahnung - AdoptionAktuell - Anfechtung Testament - AGB - Alimony - Anfahrt - Anwaltskanzlei - Anwaltskosten - Aufhebungsvertrag - Aufsicht - Aufsichtspflichtverletzung - Ausländerrecht - Auto - Arbeitsrecht - Arbeitsvertrag - AsylAufenthaltserlaubnis - Befristete Arbeitsverträge - Beratung - Binational - Computer - Cybermedienwirklichkeit - Denic - Divorce - Domain - Domainrecht - Domainrechtsprechung - Eheaufhebung - Ehegatte - EhevertragEinbürgerung - Employment law - ErbensucherErbrecht - Erwachsenenadoption - Familienrecht -   Fernabsatz - Flüchtlinge - Fortbildung - Fristlose Kündigung - GmbH - GmbH-Geschäftsführer - Greencard - Grunderwerb - Grundstück - Haftung für Kinder - Impressum - Insolvenz - Insolvenzverschleppung - Internet - Internetrecht - Jura for Kids - Kindesunterhalt - Kopftuch - Kosten - KrankheitKredit - Kündigung (Arbeitsrecht) - Kündigung(Mietrecht) - Kündigungsfristen(Arbeitsrecht) - Kunst und Recht - Law Office - Mahnbescheid - Markenrecht - Minderung - Mietrecht - Miterben - Miterbengemeinschaft  - Mobbing - Mutterschutz - Nachbar - Nachbarrecht - Namensrecht - Nebenkosten - Niederlassungserlaubnis - Ordnungswidrigkeit - Profil - Provider - Räumung - Rechtsanwalt Dr. Palm - Rechtsanwaltskanzlei - Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz - Reiserecht - Scheidung - Scheidung (türkisches Recht)Scheidungskosten - Scheinehe - Schmerzensgeld - Schönheitsreparaturen - Schwerbehindert - Sekretariat - Spam - Sperrzeit - SMS - Staatsangehörigkeit - Surfen - Testament - Textbaustelle - Tierhaltung - Touristenvisum - Überstunden - Unfall - Unterhalt - Unterhaltsrecht - Urheberrecht - Urlaub(Arbeitsrecht) - Verkehrsunfall - Versorgungsausgleich - Versetzung - Visum - Visa - Vollmacht - Zivilprozess


Landgericht Bonn Rechtsanwalt Anwalt Rechtsanwaltskanzlei

District Court Bonn - C. Dr. Palm




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Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Dr. Palm - Rathausgasse 9 - 53111 Bonn (Stadtmitte)

Telefon: 0228/63 57 47 oder 69 45 44 - Telefax: 0228/65 85 28 - drpalm@web.de

Copyright Dr. Palm - 2000 - Stand: 21.03.2021